Euthanasia Process

At Paws at Peace, we prioritize the comfort and dignity of your cherished pet during their final moments. At the beginning of your appointment, we will carefully assess your pet's condition, taking the time to understand their needs and your wishes.

We invite any special requests you may have for the environment during the procedure. Whether it's a familiar corner where your pet loves to nap, a serene setting with soft lighting and soothing music, or even the tranquility of the outdoors, we're here to accommodate your preferences and create a peaceful atmosphere. 

Before we proceed, we kindly ask for your signature on a euthanasia consent form and payment for the appointment.

The process begins with a gentle sedation administered with great care, either orally or through a gentle injection, tailored to your pet's comfort. This ensures your pet remains calm and comfortable throughout. Within about twenty minutes, your beloved companion will peacefully drift into a deep sleep.

Throughout this delicate time, you're welcome to stay by your pet's side, offering comfort and love. However, if you prefer to say your goodbyes before the euthanasia process begins, we fully understand. Your emotional needs, as well as those of your cherished pet, are of utmost importance to us.

As your cherished companion begins to rest, you may observe some natural reactions, such as gentle twitching of the legs or ears, urination or defecation, opening of the eyes, or deep breathing. These are all normal responses and occur regardless of whether the passing is natural or assisted. Should you have any questions or need guidance throughout this process, please don't hesitate to ask.

Following your pet's comfortable transition into deep sleep, we will proceed with administering the final medication. Depending on your pet's unique circumstances, this medication will be administered with care, either through a vein or into the belly. Rest assured, your pet will not feel the injection as they are peacefully asleep. This final step initiates a restful state of unconsciousness that gradually leads to the quieting of breath, ultimately allowing the heart to gently cease its beat.

Upon completion of the euthanasia, you are welcome to spend as much time as you desire with your pet. If there are any requests or assistance you may need at any stage, please do not hesitate to inform us. Our commitment is to ensure that your pet's passing is treated with utmost dignity, comfort, and tranquility.

In addition, we offer the option to create lasting keepsakes in memory of your beloved companion. This includes making a clay paw print, ink paw prints, ink nose prints, and collecting a lock of hair if desired. These precious mementos serve as gentle reminders of the love and bond you shared with your pet, providing comfort in your time of need. 

We offer personalized assistance for aftercare. Some prefer home burial to honor their pet's memory. Alternatively, we can arrange cremation services through Palmer's Funeral Homes, which provides both individual and communal cremation options. Palmer's will meet us at your home directly after the appointment, and they offer various memorials and custom urns to honor your pet's memory according to your preferences.

If you feel that your pet would benefit from oral sedation prior to our arrival please let us know. We are able to call in mild oral sedatives to a local human pharmacy. These sedatives will not make your pet completely asleep, but rather help them relax if they would otherwise be anxious or are fearful of strangers.